Wednesday 29 March 2017

Describe A Person

As I wander up the wooden ramp leading to their little home, I hear the TV blaring something about a big snaper fish. I gently slide the glass door until it gets stuck on a stone causing me to squeeze through the little gap. A strong scent of grandma's perfume hits me. A loud cheery “Hello” greets me as I step into their house and plonk down onto the couch next to Tippy their dog. A cloud of dust rises towards the roof. Grandma is wearing a purple blouse and pink jeans. I think that she almost looks like a strawberry. Grandad is chilling out on the couch wearing his big huge glasses, his grey top and shorts.

I ask how they have been doing and I get the same old reply. “Just fine, Thanks.”
I ask Grandad what he’s watching. The same old fish show he always watches.
Grandma firmly tells Grandad to turn the TV down and he turns it from 20 down to 19.
I laugh in my head and a little smile forms on my face.

Grandad tells me to get Homer from the kitchen.
Homer is Grandma and Granddad's secret stash. It it literally Homer simpson's head full of lollies.  Although it’s not very secret, it's a family favorite.
I walk back into the lounge with the big yellow head and pop of the top.
I see that it is filled to the brim with sweet lollies  I offer some to Grandad and he takes a handful  and starts off with the pink and yellow snake. Grandma said that she didn’t want any because it is hard on her teeth. I went to put it back on the shelf in the kitchen. Just before I do I take my pick, I see snakes, strawberries and plenty more. I always fall for the snake.

Grandad only has two left lollies left and is chewing them slowly. I plonk back onto the couch wiggling and making myself comfortable. Tippy sniffs the air then moves onto my lap. My jaw starts to ache from all the chewing. Grandma tells me about the tui they hear outside for the thousandth time. She picks up the stuffed tui and presses it’s foot as it tweets a song. She tells me how beautiful she thinks it is. I agree with her. Grandad flicks the channel over to 13, racing cars or something. He explains to me how they are v8’s or something. He shouts “OHHH” when there was a big crash on the corner. Grandma tells him to be quiet for the tenth time and offers me and Grandad a coffee or tea. I tell her that I’m only 10 and I don’t do coffee or tea, yet.

She proceeds along to the kitchen and I follow her to keep her company. She fills up the jug and puts it on to boil. She grabs two coffee cups, one is grandad's favorite. She places two tea bag in each cup and pours a little milk in each. The jug dings informing us it’s done. She pours the boiling water in both and stirs. The water starts to form a dark brown colour. I open the cupboard and the hinges creak. I reminds me of a scary movie. I grasp the biscuit tin and pop the lid. I see the same old arnott's digestive chocolate biscuits.

We wander back into the lounge and give Grandad his coffee and I offer him a biscuit. I take a biscuit and placed the tin onto the coffee table. I scoff the biscuits and chatter to Grandma. After the biscuits and tea, I tell Grandma and Grandad that I need to go because Mum and Dad will be getting worried about me. I kiss Grandma goodbye as she pulls me into a warm squishy hug. The scent of perfume is almost unbearable for a second. I high five grandad goodbye and he manages to keep this eyes on the telly, he’s addicted. I turn around and Grandma rolls her eyes at him. I snort and suddenly burst out  laughing. Grandma joins me, We almost wet ourselves laughing. I slide the door and it gets stuck on the stone again. I squeeze back through the hole and shout goodbye for the last time. I open the gate to let myself out and start to wander home. I wonder what they're doing now.

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